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MATT> retainer mode: personal fashion advisor to grow your brand

Personal Advisor
Custom Solutions  

With a Personal Business Advisor, you have unlimited access to all our resources and services.

We will create an annual roadmap with you and bring you closer to your dreams with carefully detailed out strategic plan. Your brand will benefit from both our expertise and exclusive access to our partnering companies' professional assistance and a discounted price.

MATT> retainer mode: personal fashion advisor to grow your brand

What it includes


Custom-Made Strategies

Pre-defined strategies work very well for majority of companies, however there is always a benefit in having a custom-made solution.

With this proposal we can mix pieces of all our expertise and merge it together to form the best proposal for the needs of your brand.
Tailor-made solution is prepared according your specific needs and requirements while taking into account your specific current situation, position, processes and efforts available into consideration.


Analysis & Optimisation

As your personal advisor we will be there to follow your implementation process closely and work with an agile approach and analyse the effectiveness and success of your business actions.

Data gathered from analysis will then be used to improve and optimise current strategies which are implemented to ensure the best results in the most efficient manner.

Moreover, everything will be done at the pace that your company can facilitate and we will work together on prioritising tasks, minimising risks and create forecasts.



Coaching is a complementary part of this service where we can teach your team how to plan, analyse and review different engagement activities and actions.

We will help you develop metrics to automate and visualise these processes and teach you how to use them to your best advantage.

Another segment of this process is also employee onboarding to ensure good performance within your team which will create more value.



Quick Risk Detection


No Scope Restrictions


Personal Team


Professional Insight


Personalised Performance


Proactive Growth Proposals

Grow Your Vision

Let's discover the possibilities and empower your brand together.
Have the courage to pursue your dreams. We will show you the way.

MATT> retainer mode: personal fashion advisor to grow your brand
MATT> retainer mode: personal fashion advisor to grow your brand
MATT> retainer mode: personal fashion advisor to grow your brandva-HgN5CqM6qkQ-unsplash.jpg

How does your brand benefit?

Having us as your business advisor will provide you with insider industry information and fresh, innovative ideas about how you can run certain aspects of your businesses more effectively. We will provide you with strategic and objective analysis and professional opinions which can be very valuable for developing your business towards your desired revenue.

With our expert experiences and perspectives, we are able to look at your biggest problems like business performance, market trends, and long-term strategy through a different lens and in an unbiased way. 

But of course, you are free to choose.

Free Perks

Industry Insight

As we work on a custom-made solutions with our retainer clients, we provide free market insights, latest business information and statistics reports to your team relevant to your personalised strategic plan and roadmap.

Flexible Hours

Usual working hours are 9 to 5. However, as a personal consultant, we remain available outside those hours as a trusted advisor and partner guiding your business towards the desired goal.

7 days a week availability

With Personal Advisor retainer contract you will have support 7 days a week, including bank holidays.

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