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Fashion (Re) Branding
Brand Creation

Branding is a financial indicator of your brand equity. It measures the revenue generated as a result of marketing strategies and brand awareness. Brand equity may contribute to your value through how customers perceive your brand.

With successful branding, you assign your brand a more tangible, human side, which your customers can relate to more than a business organisations that's all business. You can appeal to people's emotions through branding and make them feel more connected to your company which helps increase loyalty, positioning and market share.

Branding measures the revenue generated as a result of your marketing strategies and brand's awareness


Brand Elements

Brand elements present aspects that make your company a brand and they include ​brand image, personality, brand story and associations, brand voice, identity, promise, values, targeting and customer experience.

They give your brand uniqueness and help you stand out from your competition.

Psychologically, the more we can humanise something or someone, the more we relate to it. Therefore it is important to bring your brand to life.



People rely on emotions, rather than information to make decisions. Emotional triggers influence one's decision to buy more than the ad content.


Brand engagement is a process of customers building and maintaining a commitment to a brand. It is one of the most important marketing goals for every business, as it allows brands to interact with customers and increase their brand loyalty.

When engaging with your audience you are creating deep, meaningful relationships with them, which in return forms a significant increase in customer lifetime value.


Emotional Engagement

People rely on emotions, rather than information to make decisions. Emotional triggers influence one's decision to buy more than the ad content.


Brand engagement is a process of customers building and maintaining a commitment to a brand. It is one of the most important marketing goals for every business, as it allows brands to interact with customers and increase their brand loyalty.

When engaging with your audience you are creating deep, meaningful relationships with them, which in return forms a significant increase in customer lifetime value.



Higher Brand Recognition



Increased Loyalty

Cohesive Presence


Lower Price Sensitivity


Consolidated Positioning


Higher Revenue



Idea Rationalisation
Market Analysis
Consumer Behaviour
Market Shifts

Categories & Product Lineup

Marketing Strategy
Communication Plan

Pre, Launch & Post Launch Strategy
Risk Analysis
Contingency Plan

Development & Implementation Outline
Resources, Timeline & Budget

If you want to know more download a full description

 ​To get detailed outline of what this service does, how does it help and what it includes, contact us using the contact form below and we will gladly send it to you in an email.

(Re)Branding Info

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