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Sobre nosotros

MATE. es una empresa inclusiva, net-zero, que ejecuta sus procesos y ética con base en la responsabilidad social. 
Abordamos uno de los seis problemas más grandes que enfrentan las empresas: las barreras de comunicación y la capacidad de construir comunidades de moda orgánicas.

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MATT. Fashion Consulting Mission


​Nuestra misión es enseñar a las marcas de moda cómo desarrollar relaciones a largo plazo con sus clientes y construir comunidades leales con estrategias de narración y comunicación.



Nuestra visión es hacer que la industria de la moda sea más transparente, sostenible y caritativa para garantizar un futuro mejor para todos.

MATT. Fashion Consulting Vision
MATT. Values: Reliable, Agile, Innovative, Transparent


Nos desafiamos a nosotros mismos a serinnovadoraunque ágilprocesos y aprendizaje continuo.

Quedar contemporáneopor luchar hacia inclusión, diversidad con un diseño mínimo y procesos comerciales simples.

Creemos quetransparenciaes uno de los pilares fundamentales desosteniblecompañías. Todos merecen tener una visión completa del tipo de negocio en el que están invirtiendo su dinero y tiempo.

de confianza   alentador.


Get to Know Us

We strive to deliver excellence with our dedication to our clients, respect towards their company values and goals, as well as by encouraging continuous improvement,​

Genuine thrive to help other brands grow is something that helps us keep in touch and build amazing relationships with our clients and partners for a lifetime.

Fashion Industry is our only specialty, so rest assured that you will be assisted by professionals with deep insight and insider knowledge of the industry, it's operations, strategies and latest trends.

Get to Know How We Work

As transparency is one our values, open collaboration and clear communication is of high importance to us. Therefore we always put an emphasis on well organised work plan and clear expectations and goals of a project.

We like to work in collaborative and creative environments which allow us to use an agile approach where we envision, document, test and optimise our solutions until goals and objectives are met, while minding and respecting schedule and budget of our client.​

Work Process

What Can You Expect

Testimonials and Recommendations

Free Youth Program

Street Fashion

MATT. Lime

We help students and young adults to enter the fashion industry. Through our transformative coaching, valuable internships, and trusted mentoring, we aim to support aspiring individuals who want to enter the world of fashion but may feel uncertain about where to begin (which school, internships, first jobs, etc).

Experience firsthand how the fashion business operates through live projects and real life cases.

Together, let's nurture your passion and empower you to thrive and reach your dream.

Join our program for free and get coaching sessions, internships, meet friends, colleagues and mentors, learn how it all works and get an easier transition into the business of fashion.


More Sustainable Future for Fashion

MATT. donates 5% of its' total income to charity every year. We proudly support Fashion Revolution, Textile Exchange, Environmental Justice Foundation and Fashion Takes Action to name a few.

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