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Brand Audit
and Innovation

Brand Audit is like a discovery of your business which helps us understand your struggles and biggest pain points in detail. We use this insight to then craft out a strategy to bring your brand from where it is now to where you want to go while emphasising your its strongest suits.

Brand Audit offers a detailed analysis of your company. With this data it is easier to choose correct strategies to know high higher certainty which branding or customer engagement approach is the correct choice for your brand right now.

We analyse your brand, internal operational process, connection between your revenue and customer engagement, point out biggest risks and areas of opportunity while assessing current market trends, customer behaviour and your competition to come up with the most efficient strategy for you to invest time and effort in. This type of project saves you time and money by minimising the risk of failure by 59%. At the end of the project we will share with you the Discovery Analysis Report and Proposed Solution.

Discovery projects helps visualise your current position, point out your objectives and goals and creates a solution strategy how to get there


Customer Relationship Management

Fashion brands use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as a strategy to manage interactions with their clients. It helps companies increase revenue, streamline processes, build loyal customer relationships, improve customer service, and increase customer satisfaction. Brands use CRM to interact with customers with data analysis. 


Brand Communication

Brand communication is a strategy used to humanise a brand and create meaningful interactions with target market using a combination of marketing activities.
Brand communication is also the link between brand values and the target customers which forms the desired brand image. Therefore, the goal of brand communication is to influence customers’ mind on the brand and its importance.


Trend Incorporation

During the discovery process we can assess which industry and/or consumer trends would fit your business objective the best.
Trends are important to embrace as they help you stay ahead of competition and differentiate your brand. However, trends can be challenging to recognise because they often emerge gradually, so people can easily miss them or start practicing them too late when market is too saturated.



Less Wasted Resources


Risk Management


Discover Opportunities


Discover the Cause of your Problem


Critical Assessment and Analysis


Custom-Made Solutions



External Analysis
Internal Analysis

Strategy Proposal
Risk Analysis
Contingency Plan

Development & Implementation Outline
Timeline & Budget Estimate

If you want to know more download a full description

 ​To get detailed outline of what this service does, how does it help and what it includes, contact us using the contact form below and we will gladly send it to you in an email.

Discovery Info

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